Fucking Wahey! Opened one of my bank statements this morning and saw that I had earned 21 pence interest in the last month from my sizeable investment. Slowly realised, being that it was early in the day, that my sizeable investment was entirely comprised of overdraft and so looked again. 21 flipping pence earned from Goodle Ad-sense - in my first month! I was mildly elated. I thought the first thing to do was to conatct the bank and demand an enlarged overdraft limit - what with my new source of income! Refrained. So - the four people who read this dribble - at least two of you or one of you twice or something (not sure of the maths; gift horse, mouth, spatula) must have clicked on one of the above adverts. Thank you. The other twenty clicks were mine. I know I agreed not to click on the adverts on this page but they were just so damnably enticing to me.
So - thinking earnestly of selling out and creating a blog or website that will actually have some regular and considerable traffic so I can buy that Jensen Mark II Interceptor that I've always had mine eyes upon.
Shit, it's already started - catch myself writing about me and what actually happened today, like a proper blog. Can't and won't do it. Will have to find alternative means of income through apathy.
So - thinking earnestly of selling out and creating a blog or website that will actually have some regular and considerable traffic so I can buy that Jensen Mark II Interceptor that I've always had mine eyes upon.
Shit, it's already started - catch myself writing about me and what actually happened today, like a proper blog. Can't and won't do it. Will have to find alternative means of income through apathy.