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I suspect it is only a matter of time before the Mosques are put to the sword. Before that the British National Party will come to power, a rise to prominence facilitated by our fear and an increasingly insular perspective towards Arabs and Muslims. We have yet to suffer from a global terrorist attack, at the hands of Al Quaeda or some other battling brigade of believers, but the first one cannot be too far off. We may be bracing ourselves for impact but when it does happen it will change much. Being an island we have always a sense of separation from even our closest neighbours and from that comes a sense of security. When the Docklands in London suffered bomb attacks thanks to the IRA, it did not come as a great surprise nor did it shake the foundations of society as the perpetrators were well known to us. When the London Eye is blown off its spindle and rolls ponderously into the Thames where it falls to one side, crashing into an office building several seconds before two men dressed all in black run into Waterloo station at rush hour and press the buttons for self-detonation, at that point we shall know a collective fear that has been extinct for centuries. It will be as if we have been invaded by a foreign force. Then all the suspicion that we have subdued will come boiling to the surface. We shall realise that the enemy is already in our country, neighbours, colleagues, strangers. This will cause extreme turmoil, as the hawks battle the doves and everyday people take to the streets.

How can we hope to win. We do not understand the fight. Is it religious, political, social, all of the above? A better and more revealing question would be to ask how many people we will have who will be prepared to become a suicide bomber, of their own free will. I admit that there must be much indoctrination and brainwashing involved to persuade a young person that to die in such a bloodthirsty act of indiscriminant bombing will bring great honour. A place guaranteed in heaven and your family honoured. However, I am sure that by no means do all suicide bombers need such persuasion. They will win because they are readily prepared to die. Perhaps the difference is in the religious connotations of suicide. It is heavily frowned upon by the Catholics and Christianity in general whereas the Koran speaks of it as a righteous action in the face of defilers.

Every empire in history has crumbled eventually. It is an inevitability. Nostradamus predicted that the Third World War would result from tension in the Middle East. Western infrastructure will crumble without oil.

A quote from Private Eye:

‘ US President George Bush is attracting support from unusual quarters in his bid to beat John Kerry to the White House this autumn.

Joining the neo-conservative chorus rooting for Bush is none other then the Abu Hafs al Masri Brigade, one of the shadowy groups that claims responsibility for the Madrid bombings.

“It is not possible to find a leader more foolish then you [Bush], who deals with matters by force rather than with wisdom,” said a statement sent by the group to a London-based Arabic newspaper. “Kerry will kill our nation as it sleeps because he and the democrats have the cunning to embellish blasphemy and present it to the Arab and Muslim nation as civilization…Because of this we desire you [Bush] to be elected.”’

Of course, this may well have been sent into the Arabic newspaper by one of Kerry’s cronies. No American is going to worry about Kerry ‘embellish(ing) blasphemy.’ I wonder if this would affect the polls at all. Will Kerry pull out of Iraq if he wins the presidency? American contractors have started to be killed, burnt, mutilated, hung and dragged in Iraq. The last time that sort of thing happen was in Mogadishu in ’93. America rapidly pulled out from there and spent the next decade being rather shy on their aggressive foreign policy. There was no oil in Somalia though. If they stay, will they have flashbacks to Vietnam, a conflict they had to run from, as, despite their far superior war machine, they could not dispel the guerillas nor native's belief that they would eventually overcome the Yankees. Will there be a point when the people of the United States demonstrate for an end to their residency in Iraq? What happens if Eastern Europe flares up once again?


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